Tomorrow, November 5th, is Election Day! If you haven’t voted, make sure to visit a polling place. If you live in Maricopa County, find a polling place here. If you live in Pima County, find a polling place here. If you live outside of Maricopa and Pima County, find a polling place at
If you cannot wait in line to vote and have your early ballot, at the very least make sure to complete it and drop it off at one of these locations by election day.
For a full description of all the measures and a list of all candidates endorsed by the Freedom Club PAC, visit, where you can also print off all of our recommendations.
Below are some short descriptions of many of the 13 important ballot measures.
Proposition 133 – Preserves our fair primary system by guaranteeing that every qualified party has a right to have representation on the general election ballot. Vote YES!
Proposition 134 – Guarantees our ballot initiative process is fair and balanced by requiring signatures to be collected in every county, preventing out-of-state special interests from parking circulators in just Phoenix and Tucson, ignoring rural Arizona entirely. Votes YES!
Proposition 135 – Similar to what several states have already adopted, this measure protects against the abuse of emergency powers by automatically terminating emergency declarations after 30 days, unless extended by the legislature, and empowers the legislature to call a special session, as soon as day one, with just one third of the members in each chamber. Vote YES!
Proposition 136 – Prevents unconstitutional ballot measures by allowing a person to challenge a measure and if the Arizona Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional, it would not appear on the ballot. Vote YES!
Proposition 140 – A sprawling measure adding 15 separate amendments to the constitution to enact California-style election schemes in Arizona like jungle primaries and ranked-choice voting that confuse and disenfranchise voters. Vote NO!
Proposition 312 – Defends property owners from out-of-control homelessness by allowing them to be reimbursed for expenses they incurred after repeated failures of the city or county to enforce ordinances against public nuisances. Vote YES!
Proposition 314 – Secures the border, empowering local law enforcement to apprehend illegals who cross into Arizona outside of a port of entry, leading to jail or voluntary deportation. Vote YES!
Remember, make sure to visit to download a flyer of all recommendations from the Freedom Club PAC.
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Arizona needs to have a unified voice promoting economic freedom and prosperity, and the Free Enterprise Club is committed to making that happen. But we can’t do it alone. We need YOU!
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The post November 5th Is Election Day. If You Haven’t Voted Yet, VOTE! first appeared on Arizona Free Enterprise Club.